空 朝からラインが来た。「these are for IELTS right」と空。『そうだよ。』『TOEFLのが欲しいの?』『欲しいのと違った?』と空父。「yes, this is what i want」と空。どうやら大丈夫だったらしい。今度の日曜日にカルガリーで英語の試験があるらしく・・・。高校の勉強と同時進行で「IELTSのテスト」の勉強をしなくてはいけないので大変だ。頑張って欲しいな。
Ruku handed me another ballpoint pen and said,"Takayan, I ran out of ink ! "'That's amazing. That's how much you studied. 'This is the fifth time Luke has used up his ballpoint pen. It's really fast.
In order to stimulate the hippocampus, we use ballpoint pens. This is because we can write firmly with ballpoint pens, and it is convenient to put the written paper on the bath wall and study while they take a bath.
I'm sure Ruku did as I taught him. In order to use up one ballpoint pen, we have to write a lot. Ryukyu's used up pens are reborn with each refill.
It's only one week until entrance exams, so I'm sure everyone's feeling very anxious at times. But, your ballpoint pen knows. It knows just how hard you all have been working. It's alright, because you have your pen with you, and me too. このボールペン物語の主人公がこの子だったのです。