Diary 2024. 9
9月1日 (日)  『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第245弾! 2024年9月1日(日)    たかやん

『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第245弾! 2024年9月1日(日)    たかやん
Takayan's Diary - September 1st, 2024

Things I can't afford to lose
I took Uyu with me to the school in shinbori for the first time in a while. I was looking for Nori ,but I couldn’t find him. In a moment of distraction, Uyu ran outside… As I chased after him, I dropped my phone and also lost my bag with cash in it… Then I woke up. Nori, Uyu, my phone, and money... Losing any of them would be a big problem… I was really worried!

This morning's breakfast was fried rice, cold tomato juice, hot udon, tomatoes, and kinpira gobo.

I didn’t have time to work out at the gym today.

Sign Language Practice19: Practiced finger spelling.

We left for Narita after noon. The typhoon we were worried about had almost no effect, and there was no traffic on the road. We arrived at Narita Airport's Terminal 1 by 2 PM
The Air Canada attendant was not Japanese... He tried to go to the counter, but she stopped him and said, 'Please handle your bags first.' When he did, the machine showed 10,000 yen for two bags, so he immediately canceled. Then, he told the same woman in English that he wanted to go to the counter, and she said, 'OK!' When he got to the counter, they said, 'No charge for two bags.' He said, 'See?' It seems that if you talk to a person, two bags are free, but if you use the machine, it costs 10,000 yen! (laughs)

At the airport currency exchange, I tried to exchange Japanese yen for Canadian dollars. When I tried, they told me, 'You need a passport!' and I grumbled, 'Since when?' In the end, Sora filled out the form himself, and while doing so, he read the instructions in Chinese and Korean. Who is this guy...? I had just transferred money to Sora's Canadian account yesterday, but it seems he needed to pay rent in cash by September 1st, so he exchanged 980 Canadian dollars, which was about 110,000 yen.

Sora talked a lot before departure. He said he would read Nobuko Nakano's book on ' brain science' on the plane. While eating rice balls made by his mom, Sora was checking the location of a gym in Vancouver and his class schedule for the new semester. When Sora headed to the departure gate, I was surprised to see tears in his eyes when he said, 'See you!' I gave him a high five and said, 'What's wrong? See you!' But seeing Sora crying, embarrassed yet smiling, made my heart ache a little."

Children's Care Home
After safely returning home, I watched the 24-Hour TV program... and saw 'Yasuko,' who grew up in a children's care home, running. I know it's a TV production, so I can't take it at face value, but I couldn't help but shed tears while watching."

絶対に打ってはいけない! 1429  超過死亡36万人  認定死亡者数523名→713名
Never get it! 1429, Excess deaths: 360,000. Officially recognized deaths: 523 → 713.

In Japan, 80% of the population has been vaccinated. Meanwhile, other countries stopped vaccinations early, and COVID-19 has settled down. Japan has the highest infection rate in the world, yet this is not reported. Why doesn't the government inform the public about the negative side of vaccines? Getting vaccinated increases the infection rate and causes severe side effects... What is the reason for not stopping such a vaccine?
The number of officially recognized deaths has increased from 523 to 713. There's no reason to continue administering such a vaccine. Yet, in the September session, a supplementary budget for regular vaccinations with a new vaccine is included. When the government makes the wrong decision, the people truly suffer. There is the primary misfortune of dying or suffering lifelong side effects from this vaccine, and the secondary misfortune of having the costs taken from the people’s taxes. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies are making huge profits, and this situation is infuriating.

This is quite inappropriate, but it’s a story from around 1986. And this is a real story from five years before that. (laughs)

教師を目指す人・若い先生へのメッセージ第2327弾  「たかやん物語」 1981年 
Message to aspiring teachers and young teachers, Part 2327: 'The Takayan Story,' 1981.

『一生懸命』幻の学級通信第77弾! 新座市立第五中学校 1年2組 1981年 10月24日(木)
"'Isshokenmei' (Working Hard) - The Phantom Class Newsletter, Issue 77!
Niiza City Fifth Junior High School, Class 1-2 October 24, 1981 (Thursday)"

My dream is, haha, a bit challenging if you think about it normally. But I'm serious. My dream is to create our own school. That's right, building a school is my dream. Right now, schools in society are in a bad state. There are dropouts, delinquency, school violence, and kids refusing to attend. And the ones who suffer are always the children. I believe that school violence is 100% the fault of the teachers. Basically, schools like that have too few teachers who are passionate and genuinely care about the children. Even without that, today's middle schools are strange. For example, in our school, it's all about rules, rules, rules. First of all, I don't like the uniform. They say that wearing a necktie makes children "look proper," but that's ridiculous. People who work hard making things don't wear neckties, do they? Really, they're too strict about small things. They ask, "Why can't you dress properly like everyone else?" Is being the same as everyone else such a good thing? If that's the case, the teachers should wear uniforms and dress the same too. Female teachers wear heavy makeup and complain about girls in the third grade wearing just a little lip balm. It's the same with smoking. If it's bad for us, it's bad for adults too. So the teachers should quit as well! My dream is to gather passionate people and create a school. What do you think? It's a pretty good dream, isn't it?

When I was reading this dream, I thought I had written it... but it was actually written by a graduate!

Sora headed to the departure gate. This time, he went with a smile... Tears often come with goodbyes, but as a parent, I always want to see my child’s smile... I’m glad he left with a smile."

This is the Air Canada plane that Sora boarded. After this, it moved to the right, turned, and took off with great speed.

I went back home and had a glass of junmai sake. It was a toast to Sora’s hard work this semester and my own efforts for the September assembly. I only drink on weekends and not on weekdays.

May everyone who reads this diary be happy tomorrow… May you be freed from stress, even a little, and sleep well… To reduce stress, exercise is key! Aerobic exercise is good, but strength training is also great! It releases myokines with 10 benefits when you build muscle! Reading Adler's books can also help calm your mind. Try not to 'befriend anxiety,' and get some morning sunlight to boost serotonin…
To increase serotonin: Get morning sunlight, eat kiwi, almonds, sesame seeds, and red fish (for tryptophan and vitamin B6). Do rhythmic exercises, walk, or chew your breakfast well… Taking a long bath or hugging a loved one or pet also helps. Even comforting words can be a kind of 'hug.' Yes, hugging is important. In addition, drink tomato juice and warm soy milk with honey every day! Also, try "Hihatsu" (long pepper); it’s said to rejuvenate your skin and blood vessels…

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9月2日 (月)  『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第246弾! 2024年9月2日(月)    たかやん

『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第246弾! 2024年9月2日(月)    たかやん
Takayan's Diary - September 2, 2024

I feel relieved when I get a message from Sora saying "I arrived." No matter how many times I say goodbye, I always feel at ease when the plane lands safely. Well, I think his grandparents in heaven were watching over us...
Training Hanguru on YouTube. Sora said, "You can learn Hanguru in one day." So I decided, "Then I'll learn it in three days!" Today is the first day. It all depends on how many times I can practice from morning... I'll do my best!

This morning's breakfast was cold tomato juice, fried rice, yakinasu, tomatoes.

Sign Language Practice21: Practiced finger spelling.

I rode my bike, Rin-chan, to the city hall. I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, but I was surprised at how hot it was. Still, after 11 minutes, I arrived safely at the city hall. The cars were stuck in traffic, but since I was on a bicycle, I could move smoothly.

I changed into my suit in our room and went to the assembly hall with Misae. Today, we were the first to arrive again.

The main meeting begins. Looking around the hall... none of the executives are wearing masks, but two members of the assembly are.

It’s hard to hear the speeches in the hall... especially the remarks of the Finance Director... I can't understand what he is saying... I have ringing in my ears... I used to be confident in my eyesight and hearing when I was younger... (laughs)

The main meeting has ended... We go straight into a disaster drill. Mayor Masaru looks blank and makes a face like, "Huh? Really?" At the announcement, "We will begin the Shake Out drill!" I try to get under the desk in the hall... Misae fits right in, but the space is too small for me to fit... (laughs) Soon, the Shake Out drill is over, and we return to the waiting room.

We take photos in the hall. First, Misae takes a photo, then I take one... Since we had some time, we took a picture together, making peace signs... and burst out laughing!

We had some time before lunch, so I cleaned up our room. I organized the large pile of documents brought from the hall and cleared the papers on the desk... Once everything was tidy, it was time for lunch

Misae and I ate the lunch she had made. It was so delicious... I ended up eating half of Misae's portion too and was completely full. (laughs)

On the way back from City Hall, I dropped by Rokuchu. I sneaked into the nurse's office without anyone noticing. (laughs) Nami-chan was delighted, saying, "No way!" and added, "I was wondering if you'd come, and you really did, so I'm surprised!" "Is Isao here?" I asked. "He’s in the staff room! Shall I call him?" "No, I'll go and surprise him," I replied. Just as we were talking, Isao showed up. "You forgot it last time, didn’t you?" he said. "No, I didn't forget," I responded. "Yes, you did," he insisted. "I just forgot you were at Rokuchu," I joked, and we burst out laughing. "Did you lose weight?" he asked. "There it is again. Yes, I’ve lost weight. Been training," I answered. "It’s not because you’re sick, right?" "No, I'm perfectly healthy." "Well, that's good, then..." While we were talking, more kids started coming in, creating a very warm and lively atmosphere in the nurse's office at Rokuchu. I enjoyed chatting with the kids... At the end, I met Yumiko-chan, played a little prank on Isao’s shoes in his locker, and then left.

I went to the gym during a break. I did 60 minutes of light running, then trained my lower body with machines, and finished.

絶対に打ってはいけない! 1430  超過死亡36万人  認定死亡者数523名→713名
Never get it! 1430, Excess deaths: 360,000. Officially recognized deaths: 523 → 713.

In Japan, 80% of the population has been vaccinated. Meanwhile, other countries stopped vaccinations early, and COVID-19 has settled down. Japan has the highest infection rate in the world, yet this is not reported. Why doesn't the government inform the public about the negative side of vaccines? Getting vaccinated increases the infection rate and causes severe side effects... What is the reason for not stopping such a vaccine?
The number of officially recognized deaths has increased from 523 to 713. There's no reason to continue administering such a vaccine. Yet, in the September session, a supplementary budget for regular vaccinations with a new vaccine is included. When the government makes the wrong decision, the people truly suffer. There is the primary misfortune of dying or suffering lifelong side effects from this vaccine, and the secondary misfortune of having the costs taken from the people’s taxes. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies are making huge profits, and this situation is infuriating.

This is quite inappropriate, but it’s a story from around 1986. And this is a real story from five years before that. (laughs)

教師を目指す人・若い先生へのメッセージ第2328弾  「たかやん物語」 1981年 
Message to aspiring teachers and young teachers, Part 2328: 'The Takayan Story,' 1981.

『一生懸命』幻の学級通信第78弾! 新座市立第五中学校 1年2組 1981年 10月26日(土)
"'Isshokenmei' (Working Hard) - The Phantom Class Newsletter, Issue 78!
Niiza City Fifth Junior High School, Class 1-2 October 26, 1981 (Saturday)"

When I woke up... I was on the tatami mat. Two nights ago, I was reading a book using a cushion as a pillow. Suddenly, I noticed everything around me was red. In my hazy state, I thought, "Oh, how beautiful..." It was the first sunrise I had seen in a long time. My back hurt a little, but thanks to that, I got to see something wonderful. Then, last night, while reading a book and watching the highlights of the Japan Series on TV, I dozed off... and when I woke up, I was on the tatami mat again. But this time, my back didn't hurt, and I wasn't cold either. People get used to things, don't they? I even had some pretty good dreams. Sleeping on the tatami mat isn't so bad after all!

Kurome River is very popular with children. Bicycles were parked all over the promenade. Well, there were some bikes I wish had been parked more thoughtfully...
May everyone who reads this diary be happy tomorrow… May you be freed from stress, even a little, and sleep well… To reduce stress, exercise is key! Aerobic exercise is good, but strength training is also great! It releases myokines with 10 benefits when you build muscle! Reading Adler's books can also help calm your mind. Try not to 'befriend anxiety,' and get some morning sunlight to boost serotonin…
To increase serotonin: Get morning sunlight, eat kiwi, almonds, sesame seeds, and red fish (for tryptophan and vitamin B6). Do rhythmic exercises, walk, or chew your breakfast well… Taking a long bath or hugging a loved one or pet also helps. Even comforting words can be a kind of 'hug.' Yes, hugging is important. In addition, drink tomato juice and warm soy milk with honey every day! Also, try "Hihatsu" (long pepper); it’s said to rejuvenate your skin and blood vessels…

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9月3日 (火)  『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第247弾! 2024年9月3日(火)    たかやん

『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第247弾! 2024年9月3日(火)    たかやん
Takayan's Diary - September 3, 2024

September 3rd is Kumiko's birthday. When I found out that her name is Kumiko because of the date "September 3rd," I thought, "What a way to choose a name..." But no matter how old Kumiko gets, all her friends in Japan probably think, "Oh, today is Kumiko's birthday." So, I guess the way they named her is actually "perfect." And more than that, I like that it carries her parents' wish for her to be "a beautiful child for a long time."
Today, from the morning, I sent a message on LINE to "Yamazaki Kumiko," and also to "Abe Kumiko."
I've written about this many times in this diary, but Kumiko is the one who saved my life. On that day, when I was 26, if 14-year-old Kumiko hadn't said, "Takayan! Please, quit smoking!" I might never have been able to quit... She changed the life of a fool who used to smoke 50 cigarettes a day. It was that one sentence from Kumiko, then a 3rd-year middle school student. (Haha) Without that sentence, I would probably have died a long time ago.

I slept without the air conditioner on for the first time in a while… and I slept soundly until 5 a.m. It feels great.

Hangul 2
The moment I wake up, I start training in Hangul on YouTube. It’s frustrating that Sora is fluent in Korean, while I can't read or speak it. (Haha)

For breakfast today, I had cold tomato juice, fried rice, cold tomato, grilled eggplant, and hot soy milk with honey.

And this morning, I also practiced finger spelling while watching the news...

Since the weather forecast predicted rain, I planned to go by car... but since it wasn't raining, I rode Rin-chan to the city hall. I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and long pants, but it was cooler than I expected. Then, 11 minutes later, I arrived safely at the city hall. It felt good.

I changed into my suit in our room and went to the assembly hall with Misae. Today, we were the first to arrive again.

The main meeting begins. Looking around the hall... none of the executives are wearing masks, but one of the assembly is.

The representative auditor answered questions from Councilor Yoshimune Suzuki. The questions were about the approval of the general account settlement for the fiscal year 2023. Then, after some sharp questions from Kasaji, there was a break until 10:30.

Misae made lunch for us, and we ate them together. It was so delicious... I felt really happy. (haha)

The department heads are responding to questions from Representative Kuroda. I take a sip of the tea with honey that Misae gave me. Delicious! (haha)

Representative Yoko Ishijima started asking questions.

I raised my hand to ask questions. I asked a total of five questions: about the HPV vaccine, the COVID-19 vaccine, and three points related to education. The purpose was to raise awareness, even just a little, about the highly dangerous self-replicating vaccine called the "replicon," but...

3:25 PM
Just when I thought it was over, Kasaji raised his hand... and started asking questions. This is going to take a while... (lol)

I thought it was over, but Kasaji raised his hand and started asking questions. This is going to take a while... (haha)

Representative Daisuke Ono began asking questions about the financial results of the long-term care insurance program. And right at that moment, my laptop's battery died... (haha)

The plenary session has ended.

I didn’t have time to go to the gym today.

After the meeting ended, I rushed home on my bike, Rin-chan. It started raining on the way, so I took a bath... When I checked my body fat, it was 10.0%! I quickly made fried rice... When I looked outside, the rain had stopped, so I took Cocoa for a walk. Then I quickly returned home.

In the evening, my cram school! There were five children: a daughter in first year of junior high, a daughter and son in second year, and a daughter and son in third year. I answered questions about math, answered questions about English, and gave various advice... and that was the end of today's cram school session.

絶対に打ってはいけない! 1431  超過死亡36万人  認定死亡者数523名→713名
Never get it! 1431, Excess deaths: 360,000. Officially recognized deaths: 523 → 713.

This is a new type of self-amplifying mRNA vaccine that hasn't been approved in any other country besides Japan. This seems crazy. One major concern about this "replicon" is something called "shedding." This means that people who get the vaccine could release harmful biological toxins through their breath, which could affect even those who haven't been vaccinated. This is a scary vaccine, and you absolutely should not take it.

This is quite inappropriate, but it’s a story from around 1986. And this is a real story from five years before that. (laughs)

教師を目指す人・若い先生へのメッセージ第2329弾  「たかやん物語」 1981年 
Message to aspiring teachers and young teachers, Part 2329: 'The Takayan Story,' 1981.

『一生懸命』幻の学級通信第78弾! 新座市立第五中学校 1年2組 1981年10月26日(月)

From "Dreams" Essay Collection
My dream is to first get into high school. I hope to enter the school of my choice, and join a club like the brass band or a sports club (like basketball or volleyball). After graduating from high school, I want to go to a junior college. I used to want to become a kindergarten teacher, but I'm not sure yet. I also want to travel abroad. First, to Greece, and then to Switzerland. I want to visit many places. But that's like a dream within a dream. I've even thought about becoming a TV personality, but that seems impossible. So, what will I become...? Will I work for a regular company and be an ordinary person? Maybe that’s the safest thing to think. But I want to do something different from other people. Maybe a McDonald's worker, a banker, or an announcer. I think there is a job that's just for me, but I haven't decided yet. It might not be a dream, but that’s all for now. (Rumiko)

Ah, I don't have time to sit and think. The school festival is coming up soon. I have to work hard again! Our class theme is "Agriculture in Niiza." We're going to tackle a local issue. We've made four groups, and some groups have already done interviews. Let’s show everyone that Class 2 isn’t just about sports! (Takayan)

Photo 1 of the Day:
This is the breakfast I made.

Photo 2 of the Day:
This is the lunch Misae made for me.

Photo 3 of the Day:
For the first time, my body fat percentage dropped to 10.0%. Not sure if that's good or bad... (lol)
May everyone who reads this diary be happy tomorrow… May you be freed from stress, even a little, and sleep well… To reduce stress, exercise is key! Aerobic exercise is good, but strength training is also great! It releases myokines with 10 benefits when you build muscle! Reading Adler's books can also help calm your mind. Try not to 'befriend anxiety,' and get some morning sunlight to boost serotonin…
To increase serotonin: Get morning sunlight, eat kiwi, almonds, sesame seeds, and red fish (for tryptophan and vitamin B6). Do rhythmic exercises, walk, or chew your breakfast well… Taking a long bath or hugging a loved one or pet also helps. Even comforting words can be a kind of 'hug.' Yes, hugging is important. In addition, drink tomato juice and warm soy milk with honey every day! Also, try "Hihatsu" (long pepper); it’s said to rejuvenate your skin and blood vessels…

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9月4日 (水)  『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第248弾! 2024年9月4日(水)    たかやん

『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第248弾! 2024年9月4日(水)    たかやん
Takayan Diary, Volume 248! September 4, 2024 (Wednesday) Takayan

I slept soundly until 5 AM again this morning, even without the air conditioner. Being able to sleep well is such a blessing.

As soon as I woke up, I started practicing Korean on YouTube again. I have to get a little closer to my son Sora.
For breakfast today: cold tomato juice, fried rice, tomatoes, grilled eggplant, hot soy milk with honey, and soy yogurt with blueberries, honey, and nuts.

This morning, I also practiced finger spelling while watching a recorded TV drama. I think I’m getting pretty good at it.

When I turned on the TV, there was a guy with a mean face grinning. After all the trouble he caused to ordinary people, he just says whatever sounds good. I feel like saying, "Who are you to talk?"

Since the weather was nice, I rode my bike "Rin-chan" to the city hall. I arrived in 11 minutes and chatted with Misae in our room while changing into my suit.

I went to the Construction Standing Committee. It’s convenient since the committee room is just across from our room.

The committee started.

Left the city hall by bus. I was intensely studying Korean on the bus. The route was from Shiki Station South Exit Bike Parking → Nobidome 8-chome → Hatanaka 1-chome → Nodera 4-chome → Nodera 5-chome → Nishibori 2-chome → City Hall, but I was focused on the Korean manga on the bus. (LOL)

Arrived back at the city hall. Misae from the Education Committee also returned, and we chatted while I enjoyed the lunch she made. Today’s lunch was half barley and half white rice... and the side dishes were delicious too.

During a break, I sent a message to Sora in Vancouver, with a 16-hour time difference: "There was a YouTube video for studying Korean and English at the same time, right?" Sora replied, "That English isn't very good, and if you're studying Korean, it's better to do it in Japanese since the grammar is similar." I checked out the video Sora recommended, and it was so easy to understand... I thought, "Sora really is a genius with languages..." Am I being a proud parent? (LOL)

The Construction Committee started. The director's report took almost 30 minutes, and there was a discussion on Agenda No. 62, the "FY 2024 General Budget Amendment (No. 4)." But I had trouble hearing the questions... Am I getting old? (LOL)

After the break, the committee resumed. I heard a faint sound, and it bothered me. Lately, my tinnitus has been getting worse... Katsumi, the manager of the Waterworks Department (class 1, 2nd year, in a red jersey), began explaining. I felt proud as I listened, thinking, "He was such a cute first-year student, and now he’s all grown up." (LOL)

Later, there was a meeting about the inspection trip outside the prefecture. The committee ended a bit after 3:30 PM, and when I returned to the waiting room, Mikoeda was still in a meeting. I left a note on the desk and rode "Rin-chan" home. (LOL)

I didn’t have time to go to the gym.

After a short rest, I took Cocoa for a walk by the Kurome River. A lot of junior high students (LOL) were jumping into the river and playing. Then came "Mugi-chan," a 3-year-old Shiba Inu. Cocoa seemed to get along with Mugi-chan... I was happy about that.

In the evening, I had the cram school with my sixth-grade daughter, ninth-grade daughter, and son. Even though I called for her, Uyuu didn't come out, but when my son came back, she appeared, meowing. Such a fickle cat. After that, we did math, answered questions in English, and played games like "Takayan Janken" and "Dobinchabin Hagechabin." (LOL)

絶対に打ってはいけない! 1432  超過死亡36万人  認定死亡者数523名→713名

There are 360,000 excess deaths and 523 to 713 officially recognized deaths. The government is trying to make Japanese people take a new type of self-replicating mRNA vaccine, which no other country except Japan has approved. It’s called "Replicon," and there are concerns about "shedding." This means harmful biological toxins could be released through the vaccinated person's breath, potentially affecting even those who are unvaccinated. It's a terrifying vaccine. Do not take it under any circumstances.

The TV Drama "Inappropriate to the Extreme" is set around 1986...
This is a real story from five years earlier. (LOL)

教師を目指す人・若い先生へのメッセージ第2330弾  「たかやん物語」 1981年 

『一生懸命』幻の学級通信第78弾! 新座市立第五中学校 1年2組 1981年10月26日(月)


From the Essay Collection "Dreams"...
My dreams... I have so many. First, well... it's just a dream, so I don't know if it will come true, but I want to improve my grades from the first term. And I want to go to Disneyland. It would be so fun with friends. I'll definitely go someday! Right now, I want to go somewhere far away, somewhere that's not my home. It could be by the sea or on the vast land of Hokkaido. I want to think about myself and many other things. You know, I'm actually quite shy, so I want to become a more outspoken person. That’s the kind of adult I dream of becoming. I really dislike the way I am now. I also want to get a driver's license and try riding a motorcycle. And then... I want to become a teacher, whether it's in elementary or junior high school! I don't know if I can do it, but anyway, I want to try many things! (Naomi)
Oda-Pan's Smirk
We changed seats. The one who was smirking the most was Odapan. I wondered why he was grinning, and it turns out his new seat is next to Ayumi. I see... (LOL)

This is Kurome River in the evening. About 20 junior high school students were jumping into the river and playing. They even lined up their bicycles neatly... (LOL)

Cocoa is usually shy around Shiba Inus, but it seems she’s okay with "Mugi-chan." They were wagging their tails at each other... I guess dogs have their own chemistry too.

This is Uyuu, who is interrupting my sixth-grade daughter's study time. The word "cunning" fits Uyuu perfectly!!

May everyone who reads this diary have a happy day tomorrow… May you be free from stress and have a good sleep… To reduce stress, exercise is key! Aerobic exercises are good, but strength training is great too! Strengthening your muscles releases myokines, which have 10 benefits!
Reading Adler’s books can also help calm your mind. Try to "not make friends with anxiety," and get some morning sunlight to boost serotonin... To increase serotonin, try these: get sunlight in the morning, eat kiwi, almonds, sesame seeds, and lean fish (for tryptophan and vitamin B6), and do rhythmic exercises like walking or chewing your breakfast well.
You can also boost serotonin by taking a relaxing bath or hugging someone or an animal you love. Even kind words can be like a hug! Yes, hugs are important.
Also, drink tomato juice and hot soy milk with honey every day! Plus, try honey nuts and long pepper; they say it can rejuvenate your skin and blood vessels…

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9月5日 (木)  『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第249弾! 2024年9月5日(木)    たかやん

『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第249弾! 2024年9月5日(木)    たかやん
Takayan Diary, Volume 249! September 5, 2024 (Thursday) Takayan

4:30 AM
Giant locked someone in a room. "Who did you lock up?" He giggles while trying to open the door, but it doesn’t open easily. Finally, when it does, there’s a pale person wrapped in a mat lying there. “They're dead!” "No, probably alive..." “What are you doing!” Then, I woke up. Giant Ino Hiroshi. (laugh) I wonder if he's doing well... But who was that body...? (laugh)

Hangul Practice4
After waking up from such a disturbing dream, I immediately went to YouTube for Hangul practice. I'm getting better at reading it...hehe.

Before Breakfast: Tomato Juice41
Today's breakfast: cold tomato juice, fried rice, tomatoes, and hot soy milk with honey.

Sign Language Practice24
Then, as usual, I watched a recorded TV drama while practicing finger spelling. I'm getting quite good at it.

Since the weather was nice, I rode my bike "Rin-chan" to the city hall. I ran into the students from the 6th and Niia junior high schools heading to school, and felt good.
I changed into my suit in our room and chatted with Misae. "I can't remember the name of the person I met yesterday by the Kurobe River... but I remember her dog's name." "I understand," Misae said. I remember the names of my old students, but I forget the names of people I met recently... Of course, we discussed the agenda too...

The committee meeting started. The questioning began with Yachida from the Komeito Party about the 2023 fiscal year general account settlement. Next was Kuroda from the Communist Party... just the two of them took an hour.

While others were asking questions, I focused on strengthening my transverse abdominal muscles.

After the break, the meeting resumed. Horiuchi from the Ishin Party questioned for 20 minutes.
Yoshimune Suzuki started his questions.
Lunch break. I returned to our room, but Misae was not there. She finally returned at 12:40. We had a delicious lunch together, enjoying it until 1:00 PM. Then, I quickly brushed my teeth and told Misae, "Thanks for the meal! Take care!" before heading back to the committee.
I checked that no one else had questions and asked a few.
I took over the chairmanship... It's been a while... I called on the "Roads and Rivers Section Chief," the "Green and Parks Section Chief," and the "Infrastructure Development Director."

The meeting resumed. Katsumi, the Waterworks Section Chief (who was in the 1st-year, class1-2 of the sixth junior high, wearing a red jersey), started explaining. At 2:25 PM, he was still explaining... Katsumi, the section chief, has a tough job explaining things to so many lawmakers... At 2:30, his explanation finally ended. I realized that those kids in the 1st-year, class1-2s are now all around 50 years old... I can't imagine it... I hope everyone is doing well...

The Sewage Section Chief was explaining. At 3:15,Ms Yachida asked questions. She was next to me, but I couldn’t hear her well. The next questions from Ms.Kuroda were also hard to hear. Maybe my hearing is getting worse… I need to find foods that help recover hearing. The Sewage Section Chief's explanation, though, was easy to hear... (laugh)
I asked a question about the number of unconnected sewer cases at the end... and the committee meeting finished. I changed clothes and headed home on Rin-chan. It was hot...

On my way back, I passed through the sixth junior high. The 1st-year tennis team members greeted me cheerfully. At the tennis court, there was construction, and I saw the 2nd-year boys practicing on the old E-court. I watched them from behind the fence for a bit... they were playing with a lot of irregularities, and there was no one to teach them, which was a bit sad. And I headed home.

After a short rest at home, I went to the gym. Ran for 60 minutes and got all sweaty.

In the evening, I taught at my cram school with second-year and third-year girls and boys. It was fun! We did probability problems, brain training, and learned about "sound and frequency," ate delicious grapes, and did more brain training before taking a group photo... It was so much fun!

絶対に打ってはいけない! 1433  超過死亡36万人  認定死亡者数523名→713名

There are 360,000 excess deaths and 523 to 713 officially recognized deaths. The government is trying to make Japanese people take a new type of self-replicating mRNA vaccine, which no other country except Japan has approved. It’s called "Replicon," and there are concerns about "shedding." This means harmful biological toxins could be released through the vaccinated person's breath, potentially affecting even those who are unvaccinated. It's a terrifying vaccine. Do not take it under any circumstances.

The TV Drama "Inappropriate to the Extreme" is set around 1986... This is a real story from five years earlier. (LOL)

教師を目指す人・若い先生へのメッセージ第2331弾  「たかやん物語」 1981年 

『一生懸命』幻の学級通信第81弾! 新座市立第五中学校 1年2組 1981年10月29日(木)

第1回 クソ勉結果

足し算の部  1位 怜子 1分17秒 2位 勝 1分25秒  3位 悟 1分36秒 4位 正 1分40秒
         5位 昌美 1分52秒  6位 礼 2分01秒

引き算の部  1位 正 1分43秒  2位悟 1分44秒  3位 隆志 1分48秒  4位 文一 2分29秒
         5位 康恵 2分34秒  6位 浩二、博  2分54秒


"Working Hard": The Legendary Class Newsletter Volume 81! 1st-year, 2nd group, Niiza City 5th Junior High School, October 29, 1981 (Thursday)
First Results of "Serious Studying"
Addition: 1st place - Reiko 1 min 17 sec; 2nd place - Masaru 1 min 25 sec; 3rd place - Satoru 1 min 36 sec; 4th place - Tadashi 1 min 40 sec; 5th place - Masami 1 min 52 sec; 6th place - Rei 2 min 01 sec.
Subtraction: 1st place - Tadashi 1 min 43 sec; 2nd place - Satoru 1 min 44 sec; 3rd place - Takashi 1 min 48 sec; 4th place - Bunichi 2 min 29 sec; 5th place - Yosue 2 min 34 sec; 6th place - Koji, Hiroshi 2 min 54 sec.
Some of you may think addition and subtraction are easy... but your skills still need improvement. Let's see who will be the weekly and monthly MVP...
Our class was weak in math, so we started "Elevator Addition" and "Elevator Subtraction" training... I wonder how it will turn out. I'm looking forward to seeing the academic growth of 1st-year, 2nd group.

Changed into a suit immediately upon arriving in the waiting room... The picture in the background was painted when Sora was in kindergarten or elementary school.

Misae was here by 8 AM... seriously looking at her computer, reading documents and the financial statement.
The lunch was "Yay! Seaweed Bento! It's been so long since I had one..." Misae's seaweed bento was delicious!

May everyone who reads this diary have a happy day tomorrow… May you be free from stress and have a good sleep… To reduce stress, exercise is key! Aerobic exercises are good, but strength training is great too! Strengthening your muscles releases myokines, which have 10 benefits!
Reading Adler’s books can also help calm your mind. Try to "not make friends with anxiety," and get some morning sunlight to boost serotonin... To increase serotonin, try these: get sunlight in the morning, eat kiwi, almonds, sesame seeds, and lean fish (for tryptophan and vitamin B6), and do rhythmic exercises like walking or chewing your breakfast well.
You can also boost serotonin by taking a relaxing bath or hugging someone or an animal you love. Even kind words can be like a hug! Yes, hugs are important.
Also, drink tomato juice and hot soy milk with honey every day! Plus, try honey nuts and long pepper; they say it can rejuvenate your skin and blood vessels…

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9月6日 (金)  『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第250弾! 2024年9月6日(金)    たかやん

『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第250弾! 2024年9月6日(金)    たかやん

"Takayan! Where are you?""I'm at the gym... Why?""Why?! The committee meeting has already started!"
"What?""Everyone is mad at you!""Oh... no...""What should I do?""Just say he had a sudden fever or something...""Got it. Hurry up!""Can I finish my pull-ups first?""Idiot!"
And then I woke up. Oh, right. Today is the final day of the committee meeting. The conclusion for the general budget... What should I do... (laughs)

This morning, I immediately did some Korean training on YouTube. I started learning grammar yesterday, but since I often watch "Korean dramas," I feel like I understand it smoothly... or at least I think I do... (laughs)

Today's breakfast was cold tomato juice, fried rice (with crab, garlic, onion, and three types of peppers), grilled eggplant (with vinegar ginger), and cold tomatoes with soy milk yogurt (with honey, blueberries, honey nuts, and cinnamon). I might be eating the same thing every day lately... but I don't get tired of it, and it's good for me... (laughs)

Today, I practiced finger spelling in sign language in my free time... I’m getting pretty good at it.

The weather was nice, so I rode my bike, Rin-chan, to the city hall again this morning. The roads were busy, but Rin-chan was running smoothly. I passed buses and cars and arrived at city hall in no time.

I changed into a suit in the waiting room and chatted with Misae. "What should we do about the general budget conclusion?" "I’ll leave the education part to you, Misae. I trust your judgment." "No way!"
"It’s fine. you've been around for over 80 years. "We both laughed out loud.
Misae said, "I reject" in the education committee, and I said, "I accept" in the construction committee. That’s the way it should be. In the general meeting, I’ll stand up and debate.
The committee meeting started."I checked last year’s minutes, but my committee's minutes are missing..."
"You were in the education committee last year.""Oh, right... I wasn’t in the construction committee. No wonder I couldn’t find them... (laughs)"
The debate ended...

We took a lunch break. When I returned to the waiting room, Misae, whose committee had already finished, was waiting. "Let’s eat lunch!" "Sounds good!" "Today's lunch is..." "Seaweed bento! Looks delicious!"
"There’s dessert too." "Pear! Nice." We chatted and finished our meal. "I can’t eat this pear anymore," Misae said. "I’ll eat it!" I replied, finishing her dessert too...A happy time passed...

The committee resumed. We discussed the “statement of opinions” together... and finished before 2:00 PM.
I talked with Nami-chan in the nurse's office at Rokuchu. As I left, I moved Isao's shoes to another spot again, making Nami-chan laugh. What am I even doing... (laughs)
Miyamoto Musashi said, “Training for a thousand days is called ‘tan’ and for ten thousand days is called ‘ren.’” Today marks the 1000th day of training at the gym. After resting at home for a bit, I went to the gym. Ran for 30 minutes, worked out my lower body with machines, did abdominal and back exercises, trained my upper body with machines, and finished with pull-ups. I realized my strength has decreased with the pull-ups… I need to be serious about it.

In the evening, I did individual tutoring for my first-year high school son. He met a wonderful teacher at school. "He’s a young English teacher, but he really motivates the students.""That’s great! What’s his nickname?" "Kushi." "Nice. Tell Kushi I’d like to meet him." "Seriously?" "Yeah, give this to Kushi." I handed over a paper with “hard work” written on it."By the way, my grandpa died when I was in the 5th grade, but he said he wanted to meet you, Takayan. He used to read this.""What?! That means we might have met at the station." "Looks like it." "I wish I could have met him too..." We talked about such things while doing English training.

絶対に打ってはいけない! 1434  超過死亡36万人  認定死亡者数523名→713名

36,000 excess deaths. The official death count rose from 523 to 713.
The government wants Japanese people to get a new type of self-replicating mRNA vaccine called a replicon. It's not approved anywhere except Japan, and it’s dangerous. The scary part is “shedding” — the release of harmful biological toxins from vaccinated people’s breath, potentially affecting unvaccinated people the same way. Do not get vaccinated!

The TV Drama "Inappropriate to the Extreme" is set around 1986...
This is a real story from five years earlier. (LOL)

教師を目指す人・若い先生へのメッセージ第2332弾  「たかやん物語」 1981年 

『一生懸命』幻の学級通信第81弾! 新座市立第五中学校 1年2組 1981年10月29日(木)



When I was little, I think my dream was to become a "policewoman." But soon after starting elementary school, it changed to becoming a "professional baseball player." When I realized that girls couldn't be baseball players, I criticized baseball a lot. After that, my dreams kept changing, and now I have many dreams.
First, I want to work hard in my club activities and go to the national tournament. This is something everyone can understand without explanation. Secondly, I want to become a "teacher." Why? Because I like children, and also because there aren’t many good teachers around these days. I don't know if I can be a good teacher, but I think I can be one.
If I become a teacher, I want to play soccer with everyone. I don't want to be a teacher who acts scary just because I'm a woman. Many female teachers tend to favor or pick on students who try to rebel against them. I really don't like those kinds of female teachers! I dislike them a lot!
If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to hide my feelings, so if I'm happy, I'd laugh and get excited... I might not even seem like a teacher anymore. If I had to choose a specific subject, I’d like to be a teacher for either PE or Japanese. Students in my class might be happy but also a bit sad because some students might prefer teachers who are serious and precise.
If I continue to be a teacher for a long time, one day, I want to become a principal and create a school like Tomoe Gakuen. That would be so much fun! But by that time, it might not be possible to build such a school. I feel sorry for the children of that time. That's why I'll take care of them. I wonder if I can really become a teacher. Oh, I really want to be a teacher. I will definitely become one!
There are many more dreams, but I'll just write these two for now! (Y)
1. No, I think you can do it!
2. Wow, that's something...
3. Oh no... What would you do when you're sad?
4. Hey... that's the same as my dream. Maybe I should aim to be a vice-principal!
It’s amazing how a first-year junior high school girl can write so straightforwardly. I'm really impressed. And I was quite moved by the second dream. But you know, she actually made this dream come true. She went to the national tournament in tennis after just one year of playing. She was an incredible girl. Even in fashion, she was at the cutting edge for girls' middle school students in Niiza, or rather, all of Saitama at that time...

This is my breakfast this morning. Apparently, fried rice causes a slower rise in blood sugar than plain white rice… and since I fry it with olive oil, it seems to be good for the body... So, this has become my regular breakfast every morning. (laughs)

This is our room for the "Meeting with Citizens" this morning. We might look like we're not taking things seriously... (laughs), but Misae and I are actually having quite serious discussions about city governance and education

Today's "nori bento." Under the layer of seaweed, there are small fish (jako) and dried bonito flakes hidden... making it super nutritious. And since it's also delicious, I need to exercise properly, or I'll gain weight... (laughs)
May everyone who reads this diary have a happy day tomorrow… May you be free from stress and have a good sleep… To reduce stress, exercise is key! Aerobic exercises are good, but strength training is great too! Strengthening your muscles releases myokines, which have 10 benefits!
Reading Adler’s books can also help calm your mind. Try to "not make friends with anxiety," and get some morning sunlight to boost serotonin... To increase serotonin, try these: get sunlight in the morning, eat kiwi, almonds, sesame seeds, and lean fish (for tryptophan and vitamin B6), and do rhythmic exercises like walking or chewing your breakfast well.
You can also boost serotonin by taking a relaxing bath or hugging someone or an animal you love. Even kind words can be like a hug! Yes, hugs are important.
Also, drink tomato juice and hot soy milk with honey every day! Plus, try honey nuts and long pepper; they say it can rejuvenate your skin and blood vessels…

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9月7日 (土)  『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第251弾! 2024年9月7日(土)    たかやん

『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第251弾! 2024年9月7日(土)    たかやん

Practice before the team match, with both boys and girls. Akiko and Tabo are playing on the back court. Akiko is fighting hard, and Tabo is struggling, which is unusual. Nearby, Rei and Satch are having a singles match. On courts 1 and 2, the boys are playing; Kazuhisa and Noji are competing... The match closest to me is between Eiji and Tomoharu. When their game ended, I thought it was my turn to join, but then Kohei said, “Me and Tsuchiyan!” That’s when I lost my cool.
I said to Kohei, "If you’re serious about getting stronger, why aren’t you putting me in? Your court management is wrong! Just because you’re the captain doesn’t mean you can get carried away!"
He replied, “Then what should I do?”
I asked, “Who do you really want to play against?”
He said, “You!”
I told him, “Right! You have to bring in strong players to lift everyone up, or we won’t win. You also need to play with the girls…”
Kohei looked troubled, and that’s when I woke up. What a crazy dream! Kohei, who is the captain of the Shakujii High School tennis team, somehow became the captain of my junior high tennis team in the dream. And even kids from a different junior high showed up as our teammates… (haha)

As soon as I woke up this morning, I did my Hangul training on YouTube. It’s actually really fun… (haha)
Today’s breakfast was exactly the same as yesterday’s: cold tomato juice, fried rice with crab, garlic, onions, and three kinds of peppers, grilled eggplant with pickled ginger, cold tomato, and soy yogurt with honey, blueberries, honey nuts, and cinnamon. I might be eating the same thing every day lately… But I don’t get tired of it, and it’s healthy! (haha)

Today, I practiced finger spelling in sign language in my free time... I’m getting pretty good at it.

After 8:00 a.m.
I went to the gym, worked up a sweat, and then headed to Horinouchi Hospital. They asked me to wear a mask, but I didn’t cooperate. (haha) I didn’t want to wear one, and I didn’t have one with me anyway. (haha)

After 2:00 p.m., I visited Tokorozawa High School for the first time in a year. I went straight to the festival committee headquarters, where the kids I met last year were. They greeted me with, “Oh, it’s Yosuke’s dad!” The teachers also said, “Mr. Tsutsumi! You came again this year!” So, I decided to just go with being “Yosuke’s dad.” (haha)

The dance performance in the courtyard was amazing. I was blown away by the talent of the high school students who took the stage one after another, with the audience cheering loudly. I was overwhelmed by their energy.

Miyamoto Musashi once said, “A thousand days of practice for discipline; ten thousand days for mastery.” Today is my 1,002nd day of training at the gym. I guess you could say I’m in the second stage of practice.
絶対に打ってはいけない! 1434  超過死亡36万人  認定死亡者数523名→713名

Absolutely don’t take it! 1434 Excess deaths: 360,000 Certified deaths: 523 → 713
The government is trying to make the Japanese people take a new vaccine: a self-replicating type called replicon. It’s an mRNA vaccine that hasn’t been approved anywhere else. The biggest concern is "shedding," where the vaccinated person breathes out toxic substances, potentially affecting even those who haven’t been vaccinated. Scary stuff! Don’t take it!

It’s a story set around 1986, but this is a real story from five years before that. (haha)

教師を目指す人・若い先生へのメッセージ第2333弾  「たかやん物語」 1981年 

『一生懸命』幻の学級通信第83弾! 新座市立第五中学校 1年2組 1981年10月31日(土)


@ でたでた  A川島勝治が聞いたら喜びそうだ。  B なんだそれ・・・

今度、俺のとなりの席   あゆみ  俺のとなりで  笑って欲しい   あゆみ  俺の隣で  話してみたい

あゆみ  あの政だって  気にしてる   あゆみ  みんなが 気にしているお前   来て欲しい   (啓一)

*今日の“詩集”で11冊になりました。一番最初が“中学生になったぞー”そして“文句 part1/2” “あゆみ”
“決意”  “今思うこと” “俺たちの夢”  俺の宝物がどんどん増えていきます。    ともや
"Doing My Best" The Phantom Class Newsletter No. 83! October 31, 1981, Year 1 Class 2, Niiza City Fifth Junior High School
From the Essay Collection “Dream”…
My dream is to go to England. You might think, “That’s boring,” but I admire England. I don’t just want to go; I want to master English before I do. So, I’m studying hard now. This studying helps not just for the future, but in other things too, like The Monkees—I’m a fan, after all. I copy the lyrics in cursive and translate them, even though I’m not good at translating yet. But I managed to finish one song, which makes me happy and helps me improve.
Secondly, I try to translate everything into English (though I can’t translate a lot). Right now, I’m translating a “Green Card” into English. It’s written in my student handbook. That’s about it.
And I need to know more about England, so I borrow books from the library about English and England. I’m currently reading “The English and the Japanese.” I keep working hard every day, so I won’t panic when I get to England.
1. Here it is!
2. Katsuji Kawashima would be pleased.
3. What’s that…?
From the Poem Collection of October 31
Next time, sit next to me, Ayumi. I want you to laugh next to me, Ayumi. I want to talk to you next to me, Ayumi. Even Masa is thinking about you, Ayumi. Everyone is concerned about you. Please come. (Keiichi)
Today’s "Poetry Collection" is now 11 volumes. The first one was “I’m in Junior High Now,” followed by “Complaints Part 1/2,” “Ayumi,” “Determination,” “What I’m Thinking Now,” “Our Dreams”… My treasures keep increasing. (Tomoya)

Photo 1: The kids from the Tokorozawa High School Festival Committee, working hard with Yosuke. I went to see them first, both last year and this year.

The dance performance was overwhelming. The cheers were amazing… It was great!

May everyone who reads this diary have a happy day tomorrow… May you be free from stress and have a good sleep… To reduce stress, exercise is key! Aerobic exercises are good, but strength training is great too! Strengthening your muscles releases myokines, which have 10 benefits!
Reading Adler’s books can also help calm your mind. Try to "not make friends with anxiety," and get some morning sunlight to boost serotonin... To increase serotonin, try these: get sunlight in the morning, eat kiwi, almonds, sesame seeds, and lean fish (for tryptophan and vitamin B6), and do rhythmic exercises like walking or chewing your breakfast well.
You can also boost serotonin by taking a relaxing bath or hugging someone or an animal you love. Even kind words can be like a hug! Yes, hugs are important.
Also, drink tomato juice and hot soy milk with honey every day! Plus, try honey nuts and long pepper; they say it can rejuvenate your skin and blood vessels…

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9月8日 (日)  『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第252弾! 2024年9月8日(日)    たかやん

『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第252弾! 2024年9月8日(日)    たかやん

Announcement for Tomorrow's Station Stand Suddenly, I'm going to be at the Higashi-Kurume East Exit tomorrow. I'll be there from 5:30 to 8:30 a.m. I'll be handing out issues 246 and 247! No big flags or whiteboards this time. I'll ride my bike, Rin-chan, to avoid parking fees. (Haha) Just a plan for now, but I’ll do my best!

4:30 a.m. Dream “How was your checkup?” "Huh? Oh... it was nothing..." "You're lying." "I'm not lying." "Your face says you're lying..." "Oh, it's stage 4..." "I knew it... That's why I told you to go for a checkup sooner!" "Yeah, but this disease has 100 stages, so stage 4 is... totally fine." "Come on... Ton-chan, you're always lying!" "Hey, that's rude..." "It's true! Gosh..." I woke up. It was 4:30. That was close... I have to stay healthy and work for another 10 years at least…

Korean Practice 7 I woke up this morning and immediately started training in Korean on YouTube. It might actually be fun... (Haha)

Before Breakfast Tomato Juice 43 Today's breakfast is almost the same as yesterday. Cold tomato juice, fried rice (crab, garlic, onion, three kinds of bell pepper, long pepper), grilled eggplant with pickled ginger, and cold tomatoes.

Sign Language Practice 27 Today, I practiced finger spelling whenever I had spare time... I think I’m getting better at it!

Gym 1003 I worked on my lower body with machines, then my upper body with machines... and finished with a light run!

After 8:00 a.m. I came back home sweaty from the gym, took a little break, and then focused on mowing the lawn and tidying up the garden. It was a bit hot, and I felt dizzy, but I managed somehow...
Lunch I had the same meal as breakfast and then cleaned the entrance hall. I put away some old books, empty notebooks, and shoes my son wore in middle school... It made me feel a little sad.


Body Fat Percentage Today, my body fat percentage is 11.1%... Not too bad.

Shopping In the evening, I went shopping. While there, I did a bit of training—just some upper-body machine exercises and pull-ups.

絶対に打ってはいけない! 1435  超過死亡36万人  認定死亡者数523名→713名

Absolutely Do Not Get Vaccinated! The new vaccine the government wants Japanese people to take... It's a self-replicating mRNA vaccine, not approved anywhere outside Japan. It could cause dangerous “shedding,” releasing toxins from the vaccinated person’s breath that might affect others. Don't take it, and don't let those around you take it either!!

「不適切にも程がある」is a story set around 1986, but this is a real story from five years before that. (haha)

教師を目指す人・若い先生へのメッセージ第2334弾  「たかやん物語」 1981年 

『一生懸命』幻の学級通信第84弾! 新座市立第五中学校 1年2組 1981年11月2日(月)



部活で苦しいとき  そのとき  ふっと空を見た   青々とした空   あの中に吸い込まれたい

苦しい  苦しい  泣き声をあげたい   後ろからみんなが来る   こんなことで  負けたら  だめ

そんなとき 私は  死ぬ気で 走る      ゴールに着く   でも 直ぐにミニトレ  やすませてくれない

夕日が  沈んできた   終わった

とっても 嬉しい  でも  明日も  やるだろう   わたし  絶対  負けない  (貴子)

"Doing My Best" Phantom Class Newsletter, 84th Edition, Niiza Municipal No. 5 Junior High School, Class 1-2, November 2, 1981 (Monday)
Morning in Class 1-2. Everyone seems restless, maybe because the morning assembly was too long… They aren’t listening to me. "I'm so annoyed! Just do what you want! Don’t call me for lunch!" I left the classroom. I do this once or twice every year. I wonder what they're doing now during home economics class. It would be nice if they said, "We don't need Takayan! Let’s do it ourselves!" That would mean they are united… but that's just wishful thinking. They can't even keep the first promise, to call each other by name (nicknames are fine, though). Maybe I should try it myself and call everyone by their last name? "Mr. Takamura!" "What is it, Suzuki?" Oh, I hate it. Ah, lunchtime is coming soon. Maybe I’ll eat alone in the teacher’s room.
Club Activities
When things get tough in club activities, I look up at the blue sky and wish I could be absorbed into it. I feel like crying... but everyone is coming from behind, and I can't lose now. So, I run as if my life depends on it. I reach the goal, but immediately we have mini-training. No rest allowed. The sun sets, and it's over. I'm so happy, but I know I’ll do it again tomorrow. I will never lose. (Takako)
Takako (Ta-bo) was always the best in training, but she felt like this… I made my junior high school students go through the super-hard training of the Shakujii High School tennis club. I was a terrible coach.

Photo 1 Today
"Will you jump?" "Yes!" "Alright, go for it! So, which school are you from? Fifth Junior High? Sixth Junior High? Higashikurume?" "No, I'm from Tanashi!" "Really?!" "Yes!" "I'm from Shakujii High School. Do you know it?" "No." "What? You don't know it?" "No!" "What grade are you in?" "I'm in second grade!" "I see... then maybe you wouldn't know." After that conversation, he jumped.
"I once jumped from a 13-meter cliff in Ogasawara. If you're a junior high school student, you should be able to do at least that much." "......"

Photo 2 Today
These are junior high school students from Tanashi running in the Kurome River. So cute...

Photo 3 Today
This is how the crab fried rice I made looks. And let me tell you, it's delicious... (laughs)

May everyone who reads this diary have a happy day tomorrow… May you be free from stress and have a good sleep… To reduce stress, exercise is key! Aerobic exercises are good, but strength training is great too! Strengthening your muscles releases myokines, which have 10 benefits!
Reading Adler’s books can also help calm your mind. Try to "not make friends with anxiety," and get some morning sunlight to boost serotonin... To increase serotonin, try these: get sunlight in the morning, eat kiwi, almonds, sesame seeds, and lean fish (for tryptophan and vitamin B6), and do rhythmic exercises like walking or chewing your breakfast well.
You can also boost serotonin by taking a relaxing bath or hugging someone or an animal you love. Even kind words can be like a hug! Yes, hugs are important.
Also, drink tomato juice and hot soy milk with honey every day! Plus, try honey nuts and long pepper; they say it can rejuvenate your skin and blood vessels…

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9月9日 (月)  『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第253弾! 2024年9月9日(月)    たかやん

『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第253弾! 2024年9月9日(月)    たかやん

Station Announcement
Today, I stood at Higashi-Kurume East Exit from 5:30 AM to 8:30 AM. It went smoothly. I handed out flyers No. 246 and No. 247. I didn't use a big flag or whiteboard. Tomorrow, on the 10th (Tuesday), I planned to stand at Kiyose, Asakadai, Niiza South Exit, or Shiki South Exit... But I’m worried because I’m running low on my “Working Hard” flyers. I want to save some for the 4th graduates of the middle school this Saturday.

I woke up thinking it was morning, but it was just 0:30. I was confused but decided to go back to sleep... I woke up again at 5 AM. I wondered if I could make it on time by 5:30 AM, but I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, grabbed some iced tea, got on my bike, and headed to Higashi-Kurume.

I parked my bike and started my station duty. As usual, it was a “very passive” station duty.

During the station duty, I practiced finger spelling for sign language when no one was around. It’s getting better!

Finished the station duty. Parking fee: 130 yen. I passed by Essential Academy and went back home.

I checked my blood sugar, and it was around 110—pretty good.

Today's breakfast was almost the same as yesterday: cold tomato juice, fried rice (with crab, garlic, onion, three types of bell peppers, long pepper), grilled eggplant with ginger vinegar, cold tomatoes with broccoli, and hot soy milk with honey.

I practiced Korean on YouTube.

I did some light running, trained my lower and upper body with machines... finished a light workout!

When I got home and checked the mail, there was a postcard from Misako-sensei. It was about No. 247 flyer content. She said, "Publishing my bad writing? That's embarrassing! My hands are shaking writing this." She also said, "The 'Working Hard' flyer had many children's smiles, and I read it with a smile." That made me so happy. The postcard from Misako-sensei is my treasure. I carry it with me every day. (Haha)

I took a bath, checked my body fat percentage—it was 10.8%. Let’s say that’s okay. (Haha)

At night, I had a one-on-one session with my son, who is in 9th grade. That was fine, but my older son in Canada, who is in 12th grade, asked some math questions. They were pretty tough—about rational functions, absolute value functions, and trigonometry. I somehow managed to solve them in English while recalling things from three years ago. (Haha)

絶対に打ってはいけない! 1436  超過死亡36万人  認定死亡者数523名→713名

政府が日本国民に打たせようとしている新しいワクチン。自己増殖型ワクチン、レプリコン。開発国は勿論、日本以外の国ではどこも認可されていない新しいタイプのmRNAの自己増殖型ワクチン。そんな危険なワクチンを日本国民に打たせようとしているのだから狂っている。レプリコンで心配されているのが”シェディング“。接種者の呼吸から有害な感染性生物学的毒素が大量に排出され、接種していない人まで接種したのと同じことが起きる可能性が強いというのだから恐ろしい。絶対に打ってはいけないし、シェディングの可能性があるから、周りの人にも打たせてもいけないのです。 ! !
Absolutely Do Not Get Vaccinated! The new vaccine the government wants Japanese people to take... It's a self-replicating mRNA vaccine, not approved anywhere outside Japan. It could cause dangerous “shedding,” releasing toxins from the vaccinated person’s breath that might affect others. Don't take it, and don't let those around you take it either!!

「不適切にも程がある」is a story set around 1986, but this is a real story from five years before that. (haha)

教師を目指す人・若い先生へのメッセージ第2335弾  「たかやん物語」 1981年 

『一生懸命』幻の学級通信第84弾! 新座市立第五中学校 1年2組 1981年11月2日(月)

俺の友達  前野哲夫

哲夫は今、東京の小学校の先生をしている。『お前が育てた子どもを中学校で俺が育てられたら、楽しいだろうなあ・・・』なんて、いつかの晩に話したことがあったっけ。前野哲夫。二人とも忙しくて、1年に1度会うか会わないか。そんなヤツだけど、俺の友達。言ってみれば・・・・親友。    ともや

"Working Hard" - The Lost Class Newsletter No. 84!
Niiza City Fifth Junior High School, Class 1-2, November 2, 1981
My Friend, Tetsuo Maeno
Tetsuo was my classmate in high school. During college, whenever I came to Tokyo, I always stayed at his place. I even stayed there the night before my job interview and the night before I got married. It's strange; I don't know why. In high school, I was obsessed with tennis, while he was in the art club. We only played soccer or softball together a few times in class. Yet, there were times when he wasn't home, and I stayed at his place for three or four days.
One night, I was sleeping in his bed when he came back and said, "Hey, Takamura, want to have a drink?" I replied, half asleep, "Oh, welcome back. Sure, sounds good for a change." We chatted for a while, and then he suddenly said, "Hey, Takamura, take care of your girlfriend." I was surprised and asked, "Why are you saying that all of a sudden?" He replied, "She passed away." I was shocked, "What?" He continued, "My girlfriend... she died in a car accident."
Then he said, "You know, Takamura, friendship is great. Even if you're far away, as long as you have something you can trust, you can talk like this." I replied, "Even if we're not always together, even if our personalities and thoughts are completely different, we can still be like this." He smiled and said, "You come to my house, and I might be at work. Even so, you sleep in my room. Sometimes, I'm not even there. If I come back early, we talk like this. That’s what friendship is, right? You don't always have to be together... That's what friends are. That's why we are friends."
Tetsuo is now a teacher at an elementary school in Tokyo. I remember saying once, "It would be fun if I could teach the kids you raised in middle school." Tetsuo Maeno... We’re both so busy that we only meet once a year, if at all. But he's still my friend. You could say... he's my best friend.
— Tomoya
In October 1981, I was teaching at the Fifth Junior High School, and Tetsuo was teaching kids at an elementary school in Tokyo. Later, Tetsuo, who is very serious, became a principal, while I, who was not so serious, kept being a homeroom teacher for 21 years. Eventually, I left, saying, "I can't do this anymore! I will graduate with you all."

Photo 1
I thought a high school girl had come, but it was "Nono-chan," a teacher from Sora's middle school.
"How many classes do you have today?" "Five!" "Wow, that’s tough!" For teachers, "free time" is life. Having only one free period on a Monday is a cruel joke.

A cool young man appeared with a smile. "I'm Eidai’s older brother." "Huh? Now that you say it, you do look alike..." "I sometimes see you at the gym, but I've been too shy to say hello..." "Oh, I’m so glad you said hi! Thanks!" Here's a picture with Shunsuke-kun.

"Did you change your schedule?" "Yes, just to see you." "Really?" "Yep!"
I wonder when I started lying so easily to cute girls… Sorry, Asuka. (Haha)

Message to Everyone Reading This Diary
May everyone who reads this diary have a happy day tomorrow... May you be free from stress and sleep well... To reduce stress, exercise is key! Aerobic exercises are good, but strength training is also great! Training your muscles releases myokines, which have ten benefits! Reading Adler’s books can help calm your mind. Try to "not make friends with anxiety," and get some morning sunlight to boost serotonin.
To increase serotonin, get sunlight in the morning, eat kiwi, almonds, sesame seeds, and lean fish (rich in tryptophan and vitamin B6), and do rhythmic exercises like walking or chewing your breakfast well. You can also boost serotonin by taking a relaxing bath or hugging someone or an animal you love. Even kind words can be like a hug! Yes, hugs are important.
Also, drink tomato juice and hot soy milk with honey every day! Try honey nuts and long pepper; they say it can rejuvenate your skin and blood vessels…

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9月10日 (火)  『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第254弾! 2024年9月10日(火)    たかやん

『一生懸命』幻のたかやん日記 第254弾! 2024年9月10日(火)    たかやん

Suddenly, I have decided to stand at the south exit of Shiki Station tomorrow morning, maybe from around 5:55 〜Aya. Tomorrow will be the last day for this round of station stands. The 248th entry is already done, so after the September meeting ends, I'll be back at stations again.

In my dream, I was at an underground market with lots of vegetables and delicious foods all around. I asked, "When does the shop open?" "In about an hour." "What? Do I have to wait that long?" "Sorry." Then, a man started smoking in the cramped space. "Hey, don’t smoke here!" I woke up. The clock showed 5:00 AM, so I got up. I felt surprisingly refreshed for such a dream. I guess it’s true that when something good happens the day before, you wake up feeling great.

Morning Cleanup
I did some cleaning in the garden and at the entrance. Sweating, I took a bath and weighed myself — finally back to the 64 kg range!

This morning's blood sugar was also good at 113. Running even a little the day before makes a difference… I’ll keep running every day.
Breakfast was almost the same as yesterday: cold tomato juice, fried rice (with crab, garlic, onion, and three kinds of peppers), grilled eggplant with vinegar ginger, and cold tomato with soy milk yogurt (with blueberries, kiwi, honey nuts).

I left the house by car and stopped by Middle School No. 6… Smiled at the kids' energetic faces.
Arrived at City Hall and entered our room. "Good morning!" "Oh, you're early! Something happened?" "Just stopped by Middle School No. 6." "I see."
I went to the dark council room with Misae. Without turning on the lights, we prepared to listen to the general questions. (haha)

The first speaker was Mr. Ikeda from the Liberal Democratic and Restoration parties. I couldn't understand a word... It ended at 9:55 with 14 minutes and 40 seconds left. Next was Mr. Shimano from the same parties.

Ms. Shimano finished her questions with 6 minutes and 55 seconds left, and there was a break. Just as I was about to enter the restroom, the door flew open—bang! "Ouch!" I jumped back when my right hand hit the door... Not sure if my reflexes are good or bad... (haha)

Mr. Hideki Suzuki started his questions. He spoke loudly, so I could understand him. (haha)


Mr. Hideki finished with 9 minutes and 24 seconds left, and then Mr. Sukegawa began. (They're aiming to get through four people in the morning...)

Lunch in our room, just the two of us. I was the only one eating... "I can't eat... I’ll eat later at home." "Are you feeling sick?" "Yeah, it happens all the time…" Today's lunch was a delicious "nori bento," but since Misae didn't eat, my happiness was halved. Sharing meals makes me happier.

The representative meeting started… and ended before I knew it!

I squeezed in some light running, then used machines to work out my legs and upper body... Training done! While running, I practiced sign language and Korean on YouTube.
Then I took Cocoa to Kurome River. I met a man with a camera at Ishigami Bridge. "Do kingfishers come here?" "Yes, every morning they come downstream from upstream and then go back." The kingfishers that made their nest under Kurihara Bridge are expanding their range further downstream. It’s proof that the Kurome River is getting cleaner.

I took a bath and measured my body fat... 11.0%. Not bad.

In the evening, I taught five students: a daughter in the first year, a son and daughter in the second year, and a son and daughter in the third year. Responded to their requests for math, English, social studies, and science... Felt like an elementary school teacher. (haha)

絶対に打ってはいけない! 1438  超過死亡36万人  認定死亡者数523名→713名

政府が日本国民に打たせようとしている新しいワクチン。自己増殖型ワクチン、レプリコン。開発国は勿論、日本以外の国ではどこも認可されていない新しいタイプのmRNAの自己増殖型ワクチン。そんな危険なワクチンを日本国民に打たせようとしているのだから狂っている。レプリコンで心配されているのが”シェディング“。接種者の呼吸から有害な感染性生物学的毒素が大量に排出され、接種していない人まで接種したのと同じことが起きる可能性が強いというのだから恐ろしい。絶対に打ってはいけないし、シェディングの可能性があるから、周りの人にも打たせてもいけないのです。 ! !
Absolutely Do Not Get Vaccinated! The new vaccine the government wants Japanese people to take... It's a self-replicating mRNA vaccine, not approved anywhere outside Japan. It could cause dangerous “shedding,” releasing toxins from the vaccinated person’s breath that might affect others. Don't take it, and don't let those around you take it either!!

「不適切にも程がある」is a story set around 1986, but this is a real story from five years before that. (haha)

教師を目指す人・若い先生へのメッセージ第2336弾  「たかやん物語」 1981年 

『一生懸命』幻の学級通信第86弾! 新座市立第五中学校 1年2組 1981年11月4日(水)


Talking to Ayumi
Ayumi said she wanted to ride a bike. Leave it to me. When I get my license and buy a bike, I’ll go straight to Ayumi's house and speed down Route 254 and Uratoko Street. I want the Kawasaki FX400 right now. The 380cc was good too, but it’s no longer made, so the FX400 is my choice. Takayan said he'd give her a ride, but I want to take Ayumi too.
Takayan’s Comment
Masato wants to compete with me, huh? The FX400 is a good bike, but it’s all about technique. Also, with his short legs, I wonder if she'll be okay. (haha) Besides, Ayumi will ride with me tomorrow if I ask. I want to show her the sea, and you can’t see the sea in Saitama… (haha)

This morning’s Mieko: "Nice outfit!" "I found it in Sunshine City in Ikebukuro." "Wow, good choice."

Today’s lunch: Mieko's bento was delicious again.

Today’s dinner: Soy milk yogurt with kiwi, banana, peach, blueberry, and honey nuts. Delicious!

Message to Everyone Reading This Diary
May everyone who reads this diary have a happy day tomorrow... May you be free from stress and sleep well... To reduce stress, exercise is key! Aerobic exercises are good, but strength training is also great! Training your muscles releases myokines, which have ten benefits! Reading Adler’s books can help calm your mind. Try to "not make friends with anxiety," and get some morning sunlight to boost serotonin.
To increase serotonin, get sunlight in the morning, eat kiwi, almonds, sesame seeds, and lean fish (rich in tryptophan and vitamin B6), and do rhythmic exercises like walking or chewing your breakfast well. You can also boost serotonin by taking a relaxing bath or hugging someone or an animal you love. Even kind words can be like a hug! Yes, hugs are important.
Also, drink tomato juice and hot soy milk with honey every day! Try honey nuts and long pepper; they say it can rejuvenate your skin and blood vessels…

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